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Build Configuration

In this section you will set the default variables used to compile various elements in the remainder of the setup process. There will be a detailed review of each item listed in Versions.ini, but for now, we will only be looking at a few key parameters.


At present, setting the configuration variables is a manual process to a degree. In future releases this will be a more elegant solution.

Version File Update

Now is a good time to set several variables that will be used when building Hamlib, Deploying Boost and compiling WSJT-X. The options of immediate concern are:

  • cleanfirst
  • reconfigure
  • autorun
  • cpuusage

To set these variables, open the the JTSDK64-Tools, then using VS Code issue the following command:

# In JTSDK64-Tools, at the prompt, type: 

code .\config\Versions.ini

This will open the Version.ini file in VS Code editor. Set the variables as indicated below.

JTSDK64-Tools Environment


What one uses for CPU count is entirely up to them. Just know, the more threads you use, the faster build times will be. Most are using a Virtual Machine, and in doing so, they use all the cores they've allocated in the VM. The options are All, Half, or Solo. For the remainder of options, there is only Yes or No available.

Set the following options:

  • cleanfirst=Yes
  • reconfigure=Yes
  • autorun=No
  • cpuusage=All

Save and exit VS Code.

After saving the file, close and re-open the JTSDK64-Tools Environment. Proceed to the MSYS2 setup section.